Labor Performance

Labor Analysis Screen

The job labor analysis screen is the main screen for updating your job forecast.

Labor Analysis Grid

There are many columns available on this screen, so be sure to turn columns off/on and sort/group columns to give you the best view of the job.  For instance if you are a field foreman, you will want to restrict the screen display to the field tasks and maybe group them by floor.  

More information on how to manage your views can be found here

Once you have your view set, the click the VIEWS drop down and select SAVE AS MY CURRENT VIEW FOR THIS JOB.  When you return to this job, the system will remember your personal view.  Others can set their personal views as well, so every user has the ability to set a personal view for a job.  And each job can have a different personal view.

Earned Hours

What are "Earned Hours"?  
Earned Hours = Estimated Hours x Percent Complete
Based on the progress of the job, this is the number of hours the estimate allowed for the task.  So if you are 50% complete, you have "earned" 50% of the estimated hours.  This can be compared to the JTD Hours to know if you are tracking over or under the estimate.

What entries can you make on this screen?
You will see 3 columns with BLUE headers.  These are the user entry columns.
  1. Percent Complete:  Make a percent entry in the column.  So if you feel that you are 50% complete, enter 50.  The system will then calculate the other fields so you can see the performance on that code in real time.
  2. Projected At Complete:  If you know the total number of hours that this task will require, enter it in this column.
  3. Projected To Complete:  If you know how many hours are left in the task, then enter that in this column.  For instance if you think there is a days work for 2 people left or about 16 hours, you can enter 16 in this column.
Once you make an entry, the other fields will calculate.
After you satisfied with your entries be sure to SAVE DETAILS using the button at the top of screen.  You can always exit the screen without saving.

Here is a video to explain the process: 

There is a column called CHART.  This column may be on the far right side of the columns.  Click on the chart icon to view a performance chart for the selected phase code.  Each phase code can be viewed as a graph.

A word about WEEK ENDING DATES.  In the upper right you will see a drop down listing the last 8 weeks.  This allows you to look back and see what the forecast was a number of weeks back. 

A complete list of available fields and how they are calculated can be found here.

TC Hours Included/Excluded

The system reads the time cards from either Spectrum or the JSF Time Entry system depending on your system settings.
The time card hours can either be INCLUDED or EXCLUDED from the JTD Hours.

If your system setting is to INCLUDE the time cards, the the column heading will be TC Hours Included.  The JTD Hours and JTD Cost will then include those time card hours.  The system uses the average JTD cost to determine the cost.

If you system is set to EXCLUDE time cards, the column heading will be TC Hours Excluded.  The JTD Hours and JTD Cost will not include those time card hours. 

Projected Hours at Complete

Projected Hours at Complete = (JTD Hours + TC Hours) / Percent Complete

The Projected Hours at Complete is recalculated when:
  1. You make an entry in the row
  2. The week ending process runs at the end of the week
Otherwise the Projected Hours at Complete will NOT change, even if the JTD Hours changes.  This is to avoid the forecast changing every day based on time entered.  

The Hours Since Update column will show how many hours have been added to the phase code without an updated percent complete.  

Quantity Forecasts

The screen provides a method for entering quantities rather than posting through timecards.

There are two columns designed for entry:  Additional Quantity and New JTD Quantity
      If you make an entry in the Additional Quantity column, the system calculates the New JTD Quantity as follows:
      New JTD Quantity = JTD Quantity + Unposted Quantity + Additional Quantity

      If you make an entry in the New JTD Quantity column then the system calculates the Additional Quantity as follows:
      Additional Quantity = New JTD Quantity - JTD Quantity - Unposted Quantity 

Note:  You can make negative entries in the Additional Quantity column.

The Unposted Quantity column is the quantity that has been sent into Spectrum payroll module but has not yet been posted through payroll.

The system calculates a number of other columns from this data including Percent of Quantity.  The user may want to use this data to enter the correct Labor Percent Complete.  Alternatively, the system administrator can set this to be calculated automatically.  In this case, the user will not be able to modify the Labor Percent Complete.  (See Setup | Company Setup | Production Rate Setup for this setting.)

The user can modify the POSTING DATE by selecting the calendar dropdown.  The posting date will default to today's date, which is normally when the entries should be posted.  However if you are entering quantities for the previous week, you may want to adjust the posting date.

All entries made on this screen are posted to Spectrum in real time.  Updates from Spectrum will refresh overnight.

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