Job Screen Column Definitions

Job Screen Column Definitions

The job screen has a number of columns.  The user can turn columns on/off to build an appropriate view for the job.  See the article on job views.
There is a CHART column.  Clicking the chart icon will generate a chart showing the performance trend for a phase code.

Imported Data

On the Job Analysis Screen the following columns are imported from the accounting system.  Hours columns are shown on the Job Labor Analysis screen.  All columns appear on the Job Cost Analysis screen:
  1. Company Code
  2. Phase Code (or cost code)
  3. Phase Description 
  4. Phase Cost Center
  5. Status (Active, Inactive, Complete)
  6. Cost Type
  7. JTD Hours
  8. JTD Cost
  9. JTD Quantity (Job to Date Quantity)
  10. UOM (Unit of Measure)
  11. Estimated Hours (Current estimated hours - includes change orders)
  12. Estimated Cost (Current estimated cost - includes change orders)
  13. Estimated Quantity
  14. Projected Cost ERP  (Current Projected Cost from accounting system)
  15. Committed Cost
  16. TC Hours Included/Excluded (Time Card Hours can either be included or excluded  in JTD Hours based on your system setting)
  17. TC Cost Included/Excluded (based on your system setting)
TC Hours include any hours entered in the JobSiteForecast time card system + Spectrum unposted time cards.  If you use an external time card system we recommend transferring hours into Spectrum at the end of each business day.

User Entries

The following columns are user entries: (These columns are interactive, so entering one will calculate the other two.)
When the user enters Percent Complete Labor then:
      Projected Hours at Complete = (JTD Hours + TC Hours) / Percent Complete Labor
      Projected Hours to Complete = Projected Hours at Complete - (JTD Hours + TC Hours)

When the user enters Projected Hours at Complete then:
      Percent Complete Labor = (JTD Hours + TC Hours) / Projected Hours at Complete
      Projected Hours to Complete = Projected Hours at Complete - (JTD Hours + TC Hours)

When the user enters Projected Hours to Complete then:
      Projected Hours at Complete = JTD Hours + TC Hours + Projected Hours to Complete
      Percent Complete Labor = (JTD Hours + TC Hours) / Projected Hours at Complete
Important: Projected Hours at Complete do not change unless the user makes an entry in one of the columns above.  This is to avoid the projection changing every day with TC entries.  The user can see how many hours have been posted to the phase code since an update was made by looking at the Hours Since Update column.

Projected Cost JSF: This is an entry column for non-labor cost types.  For labor cost types the cost is calculated.  You must make an entry in one of the labor hours columns to modify the cost.
  1. RED field means the phase code is marked Complete in the accounting system.  Any sync entries will be ignored by the accounting system.
  2. YELLOW field means the accounting system and the JobSiteForecast system have different forecasts and should be investigated.  Anything yellow will updated in the accounting system if you click SYNC.

Calculated Columns

The following columns are calculated:
  1. Actual/Earned = JTD Hours / Earned Hours
  2. Actual Cost/Hour = JTD Cost / JTD Hours
  3. Earned Hours = Estimated Hours x Percent Complete
  4. Earned Hours Over (Under) = JTD Hours - Earned Hours (positive is over, negative is under)
  5. Entry Date = Last date user made an entry to labor percent complete
  6. Estimated Cost/Hour = Estimated Costs / Estimated Hours
  7. Estimated Hours Remaining = Estimated Hours - JTD Hours
  8. Estimated Production = Estimated Quantity / Estimated Hours or Estimated Hours / Estimated Quantity  (The system will divide by the smaller number)
  9. Hours Since Update = JTD Hours since user last user entry
  10. Entry Date = Last date the user made an entry to the row
  11. JTD Production = JTD Quantity / (JTD Hours + TC Hours) or (JTD Hours + TC Hours) / JTD Quantity  (The system will use the same method as the Estimated Production.)
  12. Memo = entry field (80 characters - posted to note field in accounting projections)
  13. Percent Complete Labor = (JTD Hours + TC Hours) / Projected Hours at Complete 
  14. Percent of Estimated Cost = JTD Cost / Estimated Cost
  15. Percent of Estimated Hours = JTD Hours / Estimated Hours
  16. Percent of Quantity = JTD Quantity / Estimated Quantity
  17. Production This Period = JTD Quantity This Period / JTD Hours This Period or JTD Hours / JTD Quantity 
  18. Projected Cost JSF = Max of (JTD Cost + TC Cost + Committed Cost), Estimated Cost.  If the Estimated Cost is negative then = Min of (JTD Cost + TC Cost + Committed Cost), Estimated Cost.  (user entry field to over-ride or update for non labor cost types)
  19. Projected Cost Over (Under) = Projected Cost - Estimated Cost
  20. Projected Hours at Complete = (JTD Hours + TC Hours) / Percent Complete 
  21. Projected Hours to Complete = Projected Hours - (JTD Hours + TC Hours)
  22. Projected Hours Over (Under) = Projected Hours at Complete - Estimated Hours (positive is over, negative is under)

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