Screen Views

Screen Views


The application provides a way to customize the screens to suit the user.  Once you have the screen adjusted to the view you wish, then you can save the view with a name.  

This is a very powerful capability.

What is a view?

A view is screen display that includes:
  1. Which columns are turned on/off.
  2. The widths of the columns
  3. The order of the columns
  4. The sort criteria of the columns
  5. The grouping order of the columns
  6. The "pin" position of the columns

Why setup a view?

Think of a view as a custom report.  It allows you to essentially setup a custom way to organize and view your data.  So if there are different ways you want to look at your data, you can setup several views and name them, so next time you can flip through the various views without having to organize the data each time.

Save a View

Once you have made all the adjustments to columns displayed, position, width etc, then click on the View Dropdown and click SAVE AS.  You will see the dialog box shown below.  Enter a name for your new view.  This will be your private view unless you select PUBLIC which will make the view available to all users.  Setting a view to DEFAULT will be the view people see when they first open the screen.

Examples of Views

By Project Manager

Suppose you want the job summary screen organized and sub-totaled by project manager.  This would allow you to total the jobs for that project manager, and then display a list of projects under his name with the summary line for each project.  Then maybe you just want the large projects, say over 1000 hours in the estimate.  Once you have the screen settings and columns selected, and filtered, then save the view and give it a name, for instance "Large projects by PM".

By Superintendent

You might want a similar report to the project manager report above, except organized by superintendent.

Adjusting Columns:

  1. Turn columns on/off - This is done by either:
    1. Clicking the menu bar on any column (3 horizontal lines), then click/unclick the columns required
    2. Clicking on the COLUMNS menu bar on the right side of the grid, then click/unclick columns required
  2. Change the order or position of the columns - Using your mouse click on the column header and drag it to the position required
  3. Change the width of columns - Using your mouse, click on the seam of the column and drag it left/right to adjust the width

Sorting Columns

Clicking on the column header will sort the column.
Click once - will sort ascending
Click twice - will sort descending
Click three times - will sort in record order (unsorted)
The grid will provide multiple column sorts.
Click on the primary column to sort and set the sort to either ascending or descending as required.
For the secondary sort, hold the CTRL (Command key on MAC) key while clicking on the second column.  Set ascending or descending as required.
For the third sort, hold the CTRL (Command key on MAC) key while clicking on the third column.
Continue for as many levels of sort required.
To clear the entire sort, click on any column header.

Pinning Columns

Sometimes it is important to be able to PIN a column so it stays visible when you scroll right/left.
To pin a column:
  1. Click on the menu icon (3 horizontal lines) on the column header
  2. Click on the width icon (3 horizontal lines)
  3. Select PIN COLUMN, then select Left Pin, Right Pin or No Pin as required.
You can pin any number of columns on the right or left.


You can add a filter to any column.
Click on the menu bar on the column (3 horizontal lines), then click on the filter icon.
A context sensitive filter box will present.  Set the filter to obtain the desired results.  The grid will update as you modify the filter.

Important tip for Mobile Users:  To show the menu bar (3 horizontal lines) touch the column header and hold for 2 seconds, then the menu bar will display.  If you touch quickly the column will sort.

Filtering Numbers - when filtering numbers there is a drop down list that will allow you to set:
      Not Equal
      Less than
      Less than or equals
      Greater than
      Greater than or equals
      In range

Filtering Text - when filtering text columns there is a drop down list that will allow you to set:
      Not contains
      Not Equal
      Starts with
      Ends with

Filtering Lists - when filtering certain fields, the system will present a drop down containing all the unique entries for the column.
      Status will list the various statuses in the data, for instance A, I.  
      Cost type will list the various cost types in the data.
      UOM will list the various units of measure in the data.


The system also supports multi-level grouping.
  1. To set a group, open the COLUMNS menu on the right side of the grid.
  2. Click on the column handle (3 horizontal lines) and drag the column to the grouping panel at the botton of the list.
  3. You can drag any number of columns to the grouping panel.
  4. In the grouping panel, you can drag the columns to change the order of the grouping.

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