We made a major change to the views on the job screens (Cost Analysis and Labor Analysis). You can now set company-wide views in the same way the summary screens work. Users can still setup their personal views, however now they will apply to all jobs.
When changing jobs or week ending dates, the selected view will persist.
For more information on views, see this
The system calculations have been adjusted to account for the new fields related to time cards and committed cost.
When calculating the Projected Hours or Projected Cost, the system will always include time cards and committed cost in the calculation. This is regardless of your system setting to include/exclude this data. The system setting only affects the JTD data showing on screen.
If System setting is set to INCLUDE Time Cards, the JTD Hours on screen will include the time card hours.
- JTD Hours on Screen = JTD Hours from the accounting system + TC Hours
If system setting is set to INCLUDE Committed Cost, the JTD Cost on screen will include the committed cost.
- JTD Cost on Screen = JTD Cost from the accounting system + Committed Cost
This can lead to some confusion with users when they compare the data to the accounting system, so be sure to make your settings clear to your users.
Projected Hours Calculation
The Projected Hours are calculated if one of the following occurs:
- The user makes an entry
- The week ending process runs
The Projected Hours are NOT re-calculated during the week. This is so the system doesn't create a new projection every time a time card is entered. Once the user keys in a change to Percent Complete, the Projected Hours will remain stable for the week.
Projected Cost Calculation
For non-labor cost types, the Projected Cost is re-calculated every day.
For labor cost types, the Projected Cost will only change if the Projected Hours changes (see above).