How Do I?
Job Review Summary
The Job Review Summary Screen provides a list of all your job action items and milestones. You can filter this screen by job, priority or any other column. For instance you may want to save a view of your high priority action items. To see how to ...
Make My Foreman Entries
As a foreman or supervisor in the field you will want to make entires to update your progress on your project. In the Job Screen, you can make entries in any of the columns marked in BLUE. Here is a video to explain the process: ...
Add/Remove a Cost Center
You can control which cost centers are included or excluded in JobSiteForecast. To adjust the cost centers: From the main menu select SETUP, then COMPANY SETUP On the setup panel under Cost Centers, add or remove cost centers as appropriate. You can ...
Give a User Permission to a Job
The accounting system has a field for the following people on a job: Project Manager Super Estimator These people are transferred from the accounting system and will automatically be given permission for that job, as long as they are users in the ...
Add a User
To add a new user to the application: Go to Setup/User Setup Change the view to ALL EMPLOYEES Step 1 - Find and Activate a Person SEARCH for the user using the search box using the first few letters of the person's first name or last name Enter the ...