JobSiteForecast Release Notes

Release Notes - November 2020

We posted an update today with the following features/changes:

Phase Code Screen - New Screen

This new screen pulls all the phases codes for actives jobs onto one screen. This allows you to separate all phase codes by trade or other criteria such as a department code. This screen allows entries for percent, hours at complete, hours to complete…the same as the job screen. There are a number of cases where this is useful. For instance, a certain department may want to find all their cost codes across all active jobs to review the performance, or to make entries all at once.

Export Data - New Screen

While the existing grids allow you to export the data on the grid at any time, this screen allows you to export data in a predefined format including columns that are not in the grid. The first export is designed for importing the forecast data into Spectrum. I would like to test this with you when you are ready. The jobs can be exported based on: All jobs, For a PM, a single job. We should discuss how you want to use this.

Permissions - Update

The permission system has been changed to allow/disallow access to the new screens above.

There is also a new permissions to allow entries into previous weeks. Previously, only the current week allows entries. This is designed to prevent people from accidentally entering into the wrong week, or modifying previous weeks. This permissions should only be allowed for admin people in order to fix any errors in previous weeks.

Currently only the main system admin has access to these new permissions. You need to provide access to roles as you see fit. I have adjusted your permissions to show these new screens.

Pagination Changed

Previously the system created a new page after 100 rows…now this occurs after 10,000 rows. This makes paging through the data easier to understand.

Job Screen Changes

There is a new search box on the job screen. This provides a wildcard search for selecting a job without having to return to the summary screen.

If you make changes and exit the job screen, there is a new warning message to either “exit and save”, or “exit without saving”. This avoids people accidentally losing entries.

Summary and Job Screen Warning

When you are not viewing the current week, there is now a red warning message.

Import Data Change

Previously you could only change the email notification message when you are processing an import. Now there is a save button, so you can edit and save the notification message without processing an import.

Company Setup Change

There is now a new filter for cost centers on the company setup page. You can include/exclude any cost centers you wish. This allows you to avoid importing certain cost centers. This can also be useful if there are dummy or template jobs in a certain cost center you want to avoid importing.


There are a few changes to a few messages and other minor enhancements to improve the user experience. This includes adjusting the keyboard style in the iPad so it matches the type of data being entered.

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