Release Notes - March 2024

Release Notes - March 2024

A number of enhancements are now available.

Job Cost Analysis Screen

When syncing data, Spectrum will ignore any changes to phase codes set to "C" Complete Status. Spectrum does not allow any changes to a phase code cost or hours once the status is set as Complete.  Any phase codes with a variance will be shown in RED on the Job Cost Analysis Screen to warn you of this condition.  If you must update the cost/hours in Spectrum, then change the status in Spectrum to either Active or Inactive before you SYNC the data.  The phase will still show RED in JobSiteForecast, but will be accepted by Spectrum.  Then change the status in Spectrum back to Complete.

There is a new message that appears when the job has sub-jobs associated with it.  "Warning this job has sub-jobs <job1>, <job2>".  This is important because the totals on the master job will NOT agree with the totals in Spectrum.  However, Spectrum requires that each job projection is done we can only SYNC data to one job at a time.  To compare the data on both systems go to Cost Activity in Spectrum and Group By Job.

New column MEMO is available.  This is for personal notes related to the projection.  This is transferred to Spectrum projections.

Immediate Job Import

Normally the system refreshes data overnight.  In most cases this is fine, however sometimes when a new job is added, you need to see it in JobSiteForecast immediately.  To accommodate this, on menu item Data Transfer | Import Data where you will see a new tab "Single Job Import".  Enter the Company Code and new Job Number and click SEARCH.  The system will load the job and all the phase codes. If everything looks correct then click START IMPORT.  Once complete, the new job is available.

Job Schedule Enhancements

There is a new setup screen Setup | Calendar Setup | Grid Setup.  This setup screen allows you to:
  1. Set the default columns that appear on the left side of the schedule screen for all jobs.  This allows you to customize the columns that are displayed.
  2. Set the default Cost Types that show for all jobs by default.  This allows you to suppress certain cost types that you may not want to schedule.
In the Job Schedule screen (Job Screen | Schedule) you can adjust the columns displayed or cost types displayed if you want a particular job to be different from the defaults.  The system will remember the settings for the job.

E-Mail Notifications

You may now send out email notices to all users on the system in one step.
You can find this function on the menu at Data Transfer | User Notification.

Time Cards

The crew system has been enhanced.  Users can now build a crew, and adjustments can be made (add/remove) for a particular time entry.
Job entry and employee users can now enter multiple phase codes during a single entry, similar to mobile users.

Company Settings

The system has been modified to import any number of company codes.  Related to this, the appropriate views have been modified to show a column showing the company code.
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