Release Notes - April 2024

Release Notes - April 2024

The following updates have been done.

Labor and Cost Analysis

The company setup now includes two new settings:
  1. Include Time Cards.           [ x ]
  2. Include Committed Cost   [ x ]
These settings will affect the Job Labor Analysis screen and the Job Cost Analysis screen.

Turning on Include Time Cards will include any time cards in the JTD Hours and JTD Labor Cost.  This includes:
  1. Any time cards in JobSiteForecast time entry system that have not been exported.
  2. Any pre-time cards in Spectrum.
  3. Any time cards in Spectrum that have not been processed through payroll. 
Turning on Include Committed Cost will include the open committed cost in the JTD Cost.

Regardless if these are included or excluded from the JTD numbers, they are considered when calculating the minimum projected cost.

Automated Notifications

The phase code is now included along with the phase code description on the weekly automated notifications.

Custom Reports

A column has been added showing the permissions for each report in the report list.  Only users with editor permission will see this new column.

Gantt Chart

You can now filter out cost types by default on Gantt schedules.  This is done in Setup | Schedule Setup.
Each project can have its own filter settings.

A new column "Hours" has been added to the left grid, so you can see the hours required in the grid without clicking on the task.

User Setup

The column for employee "Status" has been changed to "Employment Status" to avoid confusion.  

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