This release has a number of changes inside the functioning of the system.
Automatic Overnight Updates
The system will now update overnight automatically. This means there is no need to import the payroll weekly. The IMPORT button is now grayed out to prevent manual updates. You can still refresh the job list (Job Configuration Screen) and the Employee List (User Setup Screen) if you need an immediate refresh of that data.
It also means that field people can enter the percent complete at any point during the week and not have to wait for the payroll posting.
All Cost Types Imported
As part of a previous related release, the overnight import includes all cost types, not just labor. These are shown on a new screen Cost Analysis for each job. You can control access to this by setting permissions.
Automatic Time Card Import
The system will now import all timecards from Spectrum in the overnight update. You can control if you want these time cards included or excluded in the JTD Hours. This can be set in the Company Setup screen under Data Filter Setup section. These timecards now show in a new column called TC HOURS INCLUDED or TC HOURS EXCLUDED depending on your system setting.
IMPORTANT: Time cards are imported from Spectrum, not PTE, so if you want timecards populating overnight, you need to transfer time cards from PTE to Spectrum by end of business each day.
If time cards are available, it is much easier for the field person to see things in near real time (end of previous day).
Permission System Improved
The permission system now sets you control which tabs appear for a given role. This allows you to remove tabs that you are not using.