Today we posted a new release of this application!
Job Scheduling Screen – New Sceen
This screen breaks down the hours for the job into “Work Groups”, so each Work Group can be scheduled with a start/end dates relative to the job start/end dates. Job start/end dates are imported from Spectrum. Work Groups are defined in the phase code setup (see below).
The grid shows the man days remaining for each work group based on the start/end dates for the work group. Then it shows the approximate number of people required to perform the work over that time period. The objective is to give a guide for manpower loading on the job.
Resource Loading Screen – New Screen
This screen rolls up all the schedules for all the jobs into a chart so you can visualize the overall manpower forecast for the business.
The default view shows data grouped by Work Group. You can drill down any work group to see the jobs that make up the totals.
Also shown is the Current Manpower that was charged on payroll for the last week. Current Manpower shown in green is under the scheduled manpower requirements. Current Manpower in red is over the scheduled requirement.
As usual, this grid/chart can be filtered by any number of fields, such as Work Group, Cost Center, PM, etc.
Import Screen - Updated
We have reworked the import process so you can perform any number of imports for a week ending date. This allows you to import and notify users as each payroll is completed.
Phase Code Setup - Updated
These is an ability to define a Work Group for each phase code structure that rolls up resource data based on the description. The allows you to combine Work Groups for resource loading when there are various phase code structures and different codes in each structure.
Other Updates/New Features
The phase code screen added columns for work group, project manager, super, division, city, status, status.
Adjusted the save view function so you can update a current view in one click
Added a “Crew” field to the 6-week and 1-week planning screens.
Added an options on the sign in screen to “Stay logged in”. Users will be able to open the app without signing in each time.