

The system will send email notifications to users when reporting of progress (percent complete or production units) is overdue.

You can control the filters related to notifications on the company setup page under "Notifications Setup".
Filters available:
  1. Cost centers to be included or excluded from the reporting.
  2. Send notifications when phase code unreported hours exceed a threshold.
  3. Only include jobs where total estimated hours exceed a threshold.
You can choose the day of the week when notifications arrive, for example Wednesday morning.

The email notifications come in two versions:
  1. Summary - listing the total unreported hours for each job.
  2. Detail - listing the unreported hours for each phase code for each job.

Setup Requirements

In order to setup the notifications system there are two steps:
  1. Go to Setup/Company Setup and scroll down to notifications.  Enter the setup parameters as noted above.
  2. Go to Setup/Permissions.  Select a role.  On the right side select one of:
    1. Send Detailed Update Required Reminder
    2. Send Summary Update Required Reminder
Each person assigned to the role will receive a notification.  The users are not able to unsubscribe.

If a user is set to view ALL JOBS, they will receive notifications for all jobs, not just jobs they are assigned to.  With this method, managers do not need to be added to jobs to receive reports.

Summary Email Notification Example

Dear <user>,

In order to have reliable forecasts, it is important that we have updates on phase codes where labor has been added. The following items are overdue and require progress or percent complete updates:

Job: 11561 Main Street Library

PM: William Smith  Super: Josh Nichols

Total Hours without an update 296

Why am I getting this email? You are assigned to this project as a person that needs to provide weekly progress updates, and some phase codes need an update.

Click Here to access the JobSiteForecast system.

Thank You,

JobSiteForecast Team

Detail Email Notification Example

Dear <User>,

In order to have reliable forecasts, it is important that we have updates on phase codes where labor has been added. The following items are overdue and require progress or percent complete updates:

Job: 11561 Main Street Library

PM: William Smith  Super: Josh Nichols

DescriptionLast Entry DateHours Since Update
Project Manager8/1/202228

Why am I getting this email? You are assigned to this project as a person that needs to provide weekly progress updates, and some phase codes need an update.

Click Here to access the JobSiteForecast system.

Thank You,

JobSiteForecast Team

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