Construction Resource Loading

Master Resource Loading

This screen will rollup all the labor requirements across the entire business.

For this screen to provide good forecast information, the individual jobs need to have reasonably accurate job start/finish dates.  If you are using Work Groups, then the schedules for the work groups need to be reasonable accurate.  If you want analysis by union, then the job work groups need to be properly assigned union codes using the LABOR CODE field on the job schedule.

This screen allows of extensive views.  To get more information on how to use view, click here.

Line Chart
This is the default view for this screen.  One line is shown on the chart for each work group.

Column Chart
This will put all the resource requirements together on the one chart into a stacked bar.  For this to be useful, you need to add up resources that belong together.

This button allows you to download the grid data into excel.

Import Dates
This button will import that job start/finish dates from the accounting system without having to do a full import.

ERROR Column
This column will show any error that is being encountered, preventing the system from forecasting the job.  Typical issues are:
  1. Missing job start/finish dates.
  2. Work Group finish dates are beyond the job finish date.  This happens when the job finish date is past.  So the current date is greater than the finish date on the job.
When this system encounters an error, then the Unallocated Man Days column will show the number of days the system was unable to forecast properly.  This will give you an idea of how concerned to be.  Many jobs will pass their finish dates once they become substantially complete.

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