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Time Entry Configuration
This screen allows you to control the configuration settings for the time entry module. Time Entry Overview There are 3 methods for entering time cards: Regular users can use the main JobSiteForecast application at URL Mobile ...
Job Review Screen
The job review screen is designed for managing the monthly review of jobs. Chart The chart section will let you choose from a number of variables to show the weekly trends over life of the job. The table at the right shows the current value of these ...
Give a User Permission to a Job
The accounting system has a field for the following people on a job: Project Manager Super Estimator These people are transferred from the accounting system and will automatically be given permission for that job, as long as they are users in the ...
Job Cost Analysis
This screens provides detailed cost analysis on the job. Grid The listing in the grid provides all the hours projections and cost projections for each phase code. This grid has many columns so it is best to configure your screen to provide the view ...
Job Checklists
The job checklist system is designed to allow you to setup several types of checklists for jobs. For example you may consider setting up checklists for: Pre-Construction Field Handover Inspections Job Closeout You can create these as Templates and ...