Job Checklists

Job Checklists


Please read this entire help page before trying to implement checklists.

The job checklist system is designed to allow you to setup several types of checklists for jobs.  For example you may consider setting up checklists for:
  1. Pre-Construction
  2. Field Handover
  3. Inspections
  4. Job Closeout
You can create these as Templates and copy them onto a job.  Once on a job, you can add/remove items suitable for the job.

The system is setup in two levels:  
      - Task (a group of checklist items)
            - Checklist Item

The TASK then is a major task to be completed with a number of checklist items inside it.
As an example, for. the reconstruction checklist you might have major tasks as follows:

Pre-Construction Checklist
      Budget (This is a Task)
  1.             Break budget into work breakdown structure (This is a Checklist Item)
  2.             Create schedule of values
  3.             Load schedule of values into Spectrum
  4.             Load Phase Codes into Spectrum
  1.             Review vendor selections with PM            
  2.             Request Submittals
  3.             Issue purchase orders
      Contract Setup
  1.             Bonding
  2.             Insurance
  3.             Executed Contract
      Spectrum Setup
  1.             Review wage requirements
  2.             Setup job details in Spectrum
  1.             Upload contract documents
  2.             Upload estimating documents
  3.             Upload drawings

Tasks and checklist items can be assigned to a person or department with or without a due date and priority.

If you have long and involved TASKS you can further organize them using the GROUP code, then you are sort by Group. This will effectively give you 3 levels of organization for your checklist.

Copy Checklists

Users with access to this screen can also copy checklists.  
For example a project manager with a new job may want to copy the master template onto his job.

Click on the COPY CHECKLIST button.
There are options to copy
  1. From a template to a job
  2. From a template to a template
  3. From a job to a template
  4. From a job to a job
When you select a source to copy from the system will list all the checklists (tabs) that are in the source template or job.  Then you can select all or some of the checklists to copy to your target job or template.  For instance, you may only want the Pre Construction checklist for your job now and will copy the Job Closeout checklist later.  Make sure the correct checklists are marked before clicking on the COPY button.

Note:  If you copy a checklist twice onto a job it will appear as two separate checklists.  Then you will have to remove one.

Managing Checklists on a Job

Once you have a checklist on a job, you can add/delete items for the individual job.

To delete a TASK, click on the trash icon.  The entire task and all the checklist items related to it will be deleted.
To delete a checklist item, open the task, then click the trash icon for the item you want to remove.

To add tasks, click the ADD TASK button.
To add checklist items, open or select the Task then click ADD CHECKLIST ITEM.

To remove a checklist from a job you need setup permission.

Setup Templates

To setup a TEMPLATE you must have setup permission.  Once you have setup permission there is another button on the menu called SETUP CHECKLISTS.

To setup a Template: Setup Checklists | Manage Templates 
When the dialog box appears click ADD NEW TEMPLATE then give the template a name like "Master Template".
You can setup several templates, however keep in mind that one template can contain multiple checklists, so most users will only need one template.

Once your template is created, close the dialog box and click GO TO TEMPLATES.
Select your template from the job dropdown.
You will have a blank list.  Now you will create a checklist inside your template.
Add all the checklists that you want in the template.  At this point you may want to create a list such as:
  1. Pre Construction
  2. Field Handover
  3. Job Closeout
Once you have entered the checklists, close the dialog box.

Each checklist you created will now appear as a set of tabs.  You can manipulate the order of the tabs by dragging them.

Use the ADD TASK button to add major tasks to your checklist.  These Tasks are major things to accomplish that have several checklist items inside them.  Please note that you cannot mark a Task as must mark off the checklist items inside the Task.  Use the example above to decide what major tasks you wish to add.  

Now click the SELECT box next to a task, then click ADD CHECKLIST ITEM.  Do this to add all the action items necessary to complete the task.

Once you have built the template, click on RETURN TO JOB LIST button.

Manage Checklists

This function allow user with setup permission to delete or mark a checklist inactive. This can be done on either a template or a job.  For instance if you have copied all the checklists from a template onto a job but you wish to hide checklists that won't be used until later, you can mark them as inactive.  If they won't be used on the particular job you can delete them.

When the dialog box opens you can click the trash icon to delete a checklist or uncheck the ACTIVE column to deactivate the checklists.  When you deactivate the system removes the tab from the job or template you are working on but doesn't delete it.

Mark Entire Checklist as Complete
With setup permission you can mark the entire checklist complete rather than go through each item to mark it.  This may be helpful for an administrator trying to close out checklists.

Setup Potential Jobs 

It is often necessary to start on a checklist before you have the job entered into the accounting system.  To accomplish this you need setup permission.

To setup a Potential Job click SETUP CHECKLISTS | Add Potential Job.
When the dialog box opens enter the Job Description.  The other fields are optional.
The system assigns a potential job number starting with "PJ".

You can edit this information later as required or delete the potential job.

Convert to Spectrum Job
Once a potential job is entered into Spectrum, you can connect the Spectrum Job Number to this Potential Job.
To assign the Spectrum Job Number click SETUP CHECKLISTS | EDIT/DELETE POTENTIAL JOB
  1. Enter the Potential Job ID.
  2. Check off Convert Potential Job to ERP Job Number.
Once you SAVE this, you cannot undo this function.

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