Implementation Planning

Implementation Planning

After the initial setup is complete, JobSiteForecast needs to be implemented in stages.  Training for the various departments can be combined into one or two sessions.

Labor Reporting

We generally recommend that the labor reporting module be implemented first.  This is due to the fact that various modules provide forecasts based on the progress of each phase of the job.  To be most effective, labor reporting should be done weekly.  We recommend the field people provide the progress reporting.  Ideally this is a foreman that is actually controlling the labor on the job site.  This is the person who best knows the status of each phase of the job.  

Before starting the implementation, the company needs to decide what phases will be forecasted using percent complete entries and what phases will be forecasted with quantities.  It is possible to mix the two approaches.  You should also want to decide if you are forecasting all jobs or just jobs over a certain size.

Steps to implementing the labor reporting:
  1. Train the project managers.  This is a 1.5 hour online session. 
  2. The project managers make percent complete entries for each labor phase based on their best judgement.  This is to initialize the jobs so there is some reasonable forecast for each job.
  3. When the project manager is doing his regular monthly forecast, it is best to have the person running the job in the field (foreman, super) also viewing the screen as the project manager makes entries while they discuss the job.  This can be done in person or on a Microsoft Teams call.
  4. Train the field foremen and supers.  This is a 1.5 hour online session.  Also there is a 10 minute video available on our YouTube channel specifically showing foremen how to make entries.
  5. The field foremen (or supers) then need to update the job progress each week.  You need to determine what day of the week is best for your business to do this.  This decision is based on the frequency of time card entry, so we need to discuss this before implementation so you get the best results.
  6. Monitor the compliance.  The system shows the number of labor hours entered since the foreman did an entry.  We will help you set up a view on the jobs so you can easily see which jobs are not being updated.  JobSiteForecast contains a function to send emails to all the users, so if you need to remind everyone, you can send a simple reminder to everyone in a few clicks.
Note:  If you are using an outside time entry system, we recommend importing the time card data daily into the accounting system or at a minimum, one day before you ask the foremen to do their progress reporting.

Job Cost Projections

If you plan to manage the job cost projections in JobSiteForecast then your project managers will need some training.

Steps to implement:
  1. Project manager reviews and edits job cost forecasts, including labor forecasts.
  2. Project manager sync's the data to Spectrum.

Lookahead Planning

Once the labor reporting is current, you can implement the lookahead planning.  This is designed to replace any existing spreadsheet system you are using for lookahead planning.  All the phase codes are automatically available and updated with both estimated and projected hours. 

To implement the Lookahead Planning module requires a 30 minute training session for foremen and supers.

After implementation, the project managers need to review the lookahead plan every week or so with the field foreman or super.  If the project manager has a detailed Gantt schedule, it is important to compare the labor forecast between the two.

Resource Planning

The resource planning module is designed to accomplish the following: 
  1. Give a quick and simple view of the required resources to finish the job by a certain date.
  2. Roll up the company resource requirements for overall manpower management.
To implement the resource planning module requires a 30 minute training session for project managers.

Steps are as follows:
  1. Enter estimated start and finish dates into Spectrum.
  2. Adjust workgroup start/finish dates in JobSiteForecast.


The scheduling module already populates the phase codes including their hours and cost.  To implement this module project managers need to first decide what they are trying to accomplish.  Some users only schedule the labor, while others schedule labor and equipment arrivals.  Sometimes you want to enter a full schedule with milestones and outside activities.  

Training for this module is 1.5 to 2 hours for project managers.

For project managers experienced with Microsoft Project, the training goes quickly since the basic application has many of the same approaches.  For project managers without Gantt chart scheduling experience, the training takes much longer.  It is best not to mix these two groups.

There is a YouTube video showing how to use the scheduling module.

Install Package Scheduling

This module is appropriate for companies that are trying to coordinate work in the shop so it is sent to the field as required.

There are a few steps to implementing this module:
  1. The CAD department needs to build out the shop drawing log.
  2. The foreman or super for the job needs to meet with CAD to determine what the work package breakdown will be.
  3. CAD builds out the work packages for each shop drawing.
  4. The field foreman or super then sets the onsite date required for the install packages.  These can be adjusted as the job progresses.
  5. The shop super monitors the field requirements for all the jobs on the Master Shop Schedule.
Training takes about 2 hours and requires that we have CAD, field supers, and shop supers in the training together.

Time Entry

This module is designed so every employee in the company can enter time cards regardless if they are direct job costed or not.

There are several available ways to enter time cards:
  1. Mobile Time Entry - this application, designed for the phone, is for one person to enter their own time using their employee code and a PIN.  
  2. Kiosk Time Entry - this application, designed for iPad or computer, is setup in a shop or job site where people can enter their own time using their employee code and a PIN.
  3. Individual Employee Time Entry - this screen is setup for one employee to enter their own time.  However they must be a full user of JobSiteForecast to use this screen.
  4. Job Time Entry - this screen is designed for a foreman or super to enter time for everyone on the job.  They will need to be a full JobSiteForecast user and have an iPad or computer.
Training is broken into these steps:
  1. Train the trainer.  This is a 1.5 session to train the payroll and internal IT people so they can provide help to individual people having trouble.
  2. Mobile time entry is extremely simple and generally only requires a written procedure to handle company specific situations.
  3. Individual time entry is also simple, requiring a written procedure as well.
  4. Job Time Entry.  We recommend an hour of trading for the supers and key foremen so they can provide help to others as required.  There are three videos to assist: Job Time Entry, Crew Time Entry, Add Multiple Time Cards.

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