Custom Reports List

Custom Reports List

This is a list of all the custom reports available to a user based on permissions.

Run a Report

The reports can be launched by clicking on the box in the SELECT REPORT column.
The report will run immediately.
If there are selection parameters required, the list of input parameters will be displayed at th top of the screen.
Enter the parameters and click REFRESH.

Note: There is a column called "Roles" that lists the roles with permission to the report.  Only users with Editor permission will see this column.

Save a View

The data will display in a normal grid layout.
You can now adjust the display by moving columns, adding filters, grouping, etc.
If you wish to retain this view, then click SAVE VIEW.
Next time you run the report, the system will use the view you saved.

Create a NEW Report

To create a new report requires that you have a working knowledge of SQL.
If you have editor permission you will see a button ADD NEW.
Click on this button and complete the fields (all are required):
Report Name: Short report name
Report Group: Enter a name for grouping reports
Description: Enter a long description to explain the report
Role Permissions: Enter a list of roles separated by commas that have access to the report.  
Once you click SAVE the report will be added to the list.
TIP - when reports are being developed use a permission of Draft that doesn't exist in the role setup.  This will make sure no one except those with EDITOR permission can see the report on the list.  Once the report is finalized, change the permissions to the roles required.

Once the report is listed, then check Select Report.  The report will open in a new tab.
Go to this help page to 

Enable Editor Permission

To enable EDITOR permission for a role, go to Setup | Permissions Setup.
Select the role.
On the right side check "Custom Reports - Editor Permissions".

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